Bhutan Tour Packages

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Bhutan Tour Packages

About Bhutan Bhutan, also known as the land of the thunder dragon, is a small country situated in the eastern Himalayas. Bhutan is known for its beautiful landscapes, unique culture, and untouched wilderness. It is also known as one of the happiest countries in the world. Bhutan places a great emphasis on the preservation of its unique culture and the conservation of its environment, making it one of the most sustainable destinations in the wo Read More

About Bhutan

Bhutan, also known as the land of the thunder dragon, is a small country situated in the eastern Himalayas. Bhutan is known for its beautiful landscapes, unique culture, and untouched wilderness. It is also known as one of the happiest countries in the world. Bhutan places a great emphasis on the preservation of its unique culture and the conservation of its environment, making it one of the most sustainable destinations in the world. If this introduction is not enough of a reason to take the Bhutan tour package from Akbar Travels, read on to find out why a Bhutan trip from India needs to be on your bucket list.


The people, culture and geography of Bhutan

Bhutan is a small landlocked country nestled in the eastern Himalayas between India and China. Its stunning geography boasts rugged mountains, lush valleys, rolling hills, and a variety of flora and fauna. The country's landscape is characterised by its steep slopes, which vary from subtropical in the south to arctic-like conditions in the north.

It has three distinct climate zones: the southern region, which is tropical and humid, the central region, which has a temperate climate, and the northern region, which has a cold and alpine climate. The climate in Bhutan is influenced by the monsoon season, which lasts from June to August, and the winter season, which lasts from December to February.


Bhutan's geography is dominated by the Himalayan mountain range, which runs along its northern border. The highest peak in Bhutan, Gangkhar Puensum, stands at 7,570 meters and is the world's highest unclimbed mountain. On your Bhutan packages, you get to experience the country's rugged mountains that are home to a variety of wildlife such as snow leopards, tigers, Himalayan black bears, and red pandas.


The country’s southern region is where most of the population lives, and it has a more relaxed and tropical climate, ideal for your Bhutan trip from India. The southern plains are home to some of the country's most important agricultural land. The country's most significant river, the Drangme Chhu, flows through the southeast and is an essential water source for farming and hydropower.


On your Bhutan tour package, explore Bhutan's geography, which is known for its diverse flora and fauna. The country's forests are home to over 5,500 species of plants and a vast array of animals such as elephants, Tibetan wolves, and golden langurs. The country has a protected area system that covers over 45% of its territory, which includes national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and biological corridors. For all wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers, the Bhutan travel packages are an optimum choice waiting to be made.


Bhutan's geography is a unique and beautiful blend of mountains, forests, valleys, and rivers. Its landscape is shaped by its rugged terrain and diverse climate, which provides shelter and food to a vast array of animals and plants. Bhutan's geography has played a crucial role in shaping its culture and people's way of life, making it one of the most unique and enchanting countries in the world.


Bhutan is also characterised by its unique culture, which has flourished for centuries. The country's location, tucked away in the Himalayas, has helped preserve its distinctive identity. Bhutan's geography has played an essential role in shaping the country's culture and people's way of life.


Visit Bhutan by taking the Bhutan tour packages from Mumbai and experience unique culture and traditions it is known for. The country has a rich history and is deep-rooted in Buddhist practices. Buddhism is an integral part of Bhutanese culture, and the country has a unique blend of Buddhism and traditional practices. Bhutan has a population of around 750,000 people, with the majority of the population living in rural areas. The people of Bhutan are known for their warmth and hospitality. Bhutan's culture is a testament to the importance of tradition, community, and respect for the environment. From its ornate architecture to its spicy cuisine, the country's culture continues to captivate and inspire visitors from around the world.


The country's culture is deeply rooted in Buddhism, which has been the dominant religion for centuries.If you are someone who is interested in learning about Buddhism, the Bhutan holiday package is the one for you. Bhutanese culture is characterised by a strong sense of


community, respect for the environment, and a way of life that is in harmony with nature. The government's efforts to preserve Bhutanese culture are reflected in its policies and programs. For example, the government has established a Department of Culture to promote and preserve the country's cultural heritage. The department organises cultural festivals and events throughout the year, such as the Paro Tsechu and the Thimphu Tshechu, which showcase Bhutanese dance, music, and art.


In addition, the government has established a network of museums and cultural centres throughout the country that showcase the rich history and culture of Bhutan. These include the National Museum in Paro, the Folk Heritage Museum in Thimphu, and the Ugyen Pelri Palace Museum in Bumthang. History buffs, Bhutan is the place for you! Take the Bhutan trip from India today.


Akbar Recommended Best Selling Bhutan Tour Packages

Package Name Nights/Days Price
Short Escape to Bhutan 4N/5D Rs. 31,409/-
Bhutan The Thunder Dragon 5N/6D Rs. 37,709/-
Enchanting Bhutan 6N/7D Rs. 47,699/-
Bhutan The Himalayan Kingdom 7N/8D Rs. 53,459/-


Know the weather before planning a Bhutan holiday package

Bhutan has a unique climate characterised by four distinct seasons. The weather in Bhutan is influenced by the country's mountainous terrain, altitude, and monsoon winds. Overall, Bhutan has a mild and pleasant climate throughout the year, making it a popular destination for tourists to take the Bhutan packages all year round.


Spring (March to May)
Spring is one of the best times to visit Bhutan. The weather is pleasant, and the temperature ranges from 15°C to 25°C in the lowlands. However, the higher altitude regions can still be cold, with night-time temperatures dropping to freezing. The country is also lush and green during this season, with a vibrant display of flowering trees and shrubs.
Summer (June to August)
During the summer, Bhutan experiences heavy monsoon rainfall, particularly in the southern regions. The temperature may range from 20°C to 30°C in the lowlands, but it can get much colder in the mountains. The humidity levels are high, and the rainfall can make trekking and outdoor activities challenging.

Autumn (September to November)
Autumn is another popular time to visit Bhutan. The weather is pleasant and dry, with clear skies and comfortable temperatures. The average daytime temperature is around 20°C, with lower temperatures at night. The trees and foliage are also in their full glory during this
season, making it an excellent time for trekking and exploring the countryside.

Winter (December to February)
Winter in Bhutan can be harsh, particularly in the mountainous regions. The temperature can drop below freezing, and snowfall is common in the high altitude regions. However, the lower regions still experience mild temperatures ranging from 5°C to 15°C. Winter is also an excellent time to experience Bhutan's vibrant cultural festivals.


Bhutan's weather is diverse and unique, offering something for everyone throughout the year. Whether you're looking for lush vegetation or snow-capped mountains, Bhutan has it all. It's essential to check the weather forecast before travelling to the country and plan your
activities accordingly. Akbar Travels has taken care of it all for you in our Bhutan packages from Kolkata, Delhi and Mumbai. For other details like Bhutan trip cost, please check the website.

Bhutanese festivals, or "Tsechus," are colourful events that celebrate the country's rich heritage and culture. The festivals are characterised by masked dances, traditional music, and elaborate costumes. There’s no better way to experience the country’s culture on your Bhutan trip from India than going for its festivals!


Here’s a list of festivals that are a must-see on Bhutan travel packages.


1. Rhododendron Festival- April

Those who appreciate flowers will enjoy this festival. It heralds the beginning of the lovely Rhododendron flower's bloom, which covers the nation in a stunning shade of pink, red, and
white. Don’t forget to bring your cameras on your Bhutan trip package since it's a visual feast that you'll want to capture repeatedly. The villagers, fascinated by the flower's beauty, also honour it in folktales and songs.

There are 46 different Rhododendron species in Bhutan. The festival includes an arts and crafts show as well as a tour of the rhododendron garden. The schedule of events also includes traditional games and cultural presentations. The park also features a lake, which gives the occasion some attractiveness. This is a great option if you’re interested in the
Bhutan tour package for couples.
2. Nimalung Festival- July

A three-day festival of the gods is held in the stunning valley of Bumthang and is a visual
extravaganza of music, dances and costumes. The festival's centrepiece is the unfolding of a thongdrol scroll that is nine metres high and twelve metres wide and shows Guru Rinpoche, also known as Padmasambhava.

Do you want to have an unusual experience? Attend one of Bhutan's celebrations or competitions. That is an additional method of discovering the Kingdom's magnificent
mountains and valleys. Through these, you can run, walk, sing, dance, or ride! Bring out your inner dragon and put out a valiant effort to finish the races or trails. Alternatively, dress in a traditional outfit to blend in. You are sure to find contentment in the land of smiles.


3. Bhutan Echoes- August

The best way to learn about a nation is through its literature. The story of Bhutan will be told at the Drukyul Literature Festival (Bhutan Echoes 2023) through stories, discussions, art, and music. Bhutan Echoes is an annual celebration that often takes place in the month of August and brings together internationally renowned authors, musicians, and artists with local

4. Jomolhari Mountain Festival- October

The Jomolhari Mountain Festival is a two-day celebration held at the foot of Mount
Jomolhari that takes the maxim "for us, by us" to heart. Communities that are situated along one of Bhutan's most beautiful trekking routes celebrate their shared culture. They also honour the harmony that exists between the highlanders and the surrounding natural world, particularly the snow leopard. The festival features a song with a snow leopard theme, traditional archery and darts sports, dances, yak riding, highland food, and native artisan item purchasing. Would you like a truly unique experience? On your Bhutan package from Akbar Travels, take a helicopter journey to the base of the stunning Jomolhari Mountain for breakfast camp!

5. Black Mountain Festival- Early October

The two-day festival, held in Trongsa in central Bhutan, features artwork and crafts, traditional foods, farm products, genuine cultural artefacts, lifestyle, and flora. The festival is a comprehensive strategy for helping communities coexist peacefully with the marvels of nature. Additionally, it offers the first-ever thrilling 100-kilometer International Open Black Mountain Bike Challenge, which links hills and valleys with noteworthy historical
What's the most intriguing part, though? The Black Mountain, also referred to as Jowo Dungshing locally, forms a gorgeous silhouette for the Trongsa neighbourhood and is significant historically for the locals. If you are a true traveler, this is a festival you cannot miss on your Bhutan travel package.


Monasteries in the Bhutan holiday packages

Bhutan is known for its stunning landscapes, unique culture, and iconic monasteries. These monasteries, also known as dzongs or gompas, are spiritual sanctuaries that are rich in history and cultural significance. They are considered to be the heart and soul of the country and have been an integral part of Bhutanese society for centuries. For the architecture and history buffs, these are fascinating locations on the Bhutan holiday packages. Here are some of the iconic monasteries in Bhutan that continue to draw visitors from all over the world.


Taktsang Monastery

Taktsang Monastery, also known as the Tiger's Nest, is one of the most iconic and popular monasteries in Bhutan. It is located in the Paro Valley and is perched on the edge of a steep cliff at an altitude of 3,120 meters above sea level. The monastery is believed to have been built in 1692 around the cave where Guru Rinpoche is said to have meditated for three months in the 8th century. The monastery is accessible by a steep and challenging trek that takes around 5 hours to complete. The trek is considered to be a spiritual journey and offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.


The Punakha Dzong

The Punakha Dzong is one of the most iconic dzongs in Bhutan and is located at the
confluence of the Mo Chhu and Pho Chhu rivers in the Punakha Valley. The dzong was built in 1637 and served as the capital and seat of government until 1955. It is one of the largest dzongs in Bhutan and is known for its intricate woodwork, murals, and stunning gardens. The dzong is a popular tourist destination and is also the venue for many important religious and cultural festivals in Bhutan.

Trongsa Dzong

Trongsa Dzong is one of the most iconic and historical dzongs in Bhutan and is located in the central part of the country. The dzong is situated at the top of a hill overlooking the Mangde River and is considered to be one of the most impressive architectural feats in Bhutan. It was built in the 17th century and served as the seat of power for the Trongsa Penlop (governor)
who ruled over central Bhutan. The dzong is known for its unique design, which resembles a fortress with a labyrinth of courtyards, chambers, and corridors.

The Wangdue Phodrang Dzong

The Wangdue Phodrang Dzong is another iconic dzong in Bhutan and is located in the Wangdue Phodrang district. The dzong was built in 1638 and served as the administrative centre and fortress of the district. It is known for its intricate wood carvings, frescoes, and


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