Frequently Asked Questions - Jeddah to Bangkok Flights

Are Flights from Jeddah to Bangkok Open?

Flights between Jeddah and Bangkok have resumed. 1 flights flying directly to Bangkok from Jeddah on a daily basis

How many Airports are there in Bangkok

There is currently only one main airport in Bangkok. Juhu Airport is small airport operating in Juhu, Bangkok.

  • Airport name: Bangkok International Airport
  • Location: Bangkok
  • No. of Terminals: 1

What is the best fare for a roundtrip from Jeddah to Bangkok?

Go to Akbar Travels flights now and just put in the dates you want to travel on. The website will automatically show you the latest and lowest fare at the top.

How long is the flight from Jeddah to Bangkok?

A direct flight is generally 3h 0m long.

Who do you contact for any more queries?

Feel free to call our customer support at +966 125108055 or drop us an email at

How to book Jeddah to Bangkok Flight Ticket on Akbar Travels?

Kindly follow below mentioned process to book your Jeddah to Bangkok flight tickets:

  • Login to your Akbar Travels account. Create one for free if you don’t have one already.
  • Search part enter your details, like – source city ( Jeddah), destination city (Bangkok), travel date, travel date, number of travelers etc.
  • Click on search and you will get the directory of all Jeddah to Bangkok flights sorted by airfare with a wide range of filters.
  • Apply desired filter like – Morning flight, non-stop flight etc. as per your requirement. Finally click on Book Now to proceed to payment.
  • Apply promo codes to get additional discounts on your Jeddah to Bangkok Tickets.
  • Once the payment is done you will receive the E-TICKET along with your invoice for your flight.

How can I check the flight status and schedule for my Jeddah to Bangkok Flight?

You need to follow the following simple steps to check the status and schedule for your Jeddah to Bangkok Flight:

  • Login to your Akbar Travels Account and visit the Flight Status Page.
  • Choose Origin City as Jeddah and Destination City as Bangkok.
  • Enter your departure and Return date.
  • Click on “GO” TAB and get the real time flight status for your Jeddah to Bangkok Flight

How much baggage can I carry on my Jeddah to Bangkok Flight?

The amount of baggage one can carry depends on the airline your ticket has been booked on. But Your baggage information can also be found on your ticket or you can go check the airline you are traveling on to see specific baggage details.

Where will I board my flight at Jeddah and deboard my Bangkok flight?

You will board your flight at Jeddah International Airport and deboard at Bangkok International Airport.

How can I do web check-in for my Jeddah to Bangkok Flight?

Visit our web check-in page, you will be asked to select your upcoming Jeddah to Bangkok Flight Trip. Enter your PNR number and Last name and also select the seat of your choice. Some seats are free and some are paid. You can now even book your meals on Akbar Travels.